Having your knowledge, skills and experience in asset management recognised against a global standard offers numerous and extensive benefits along your professional asset management journey.
Three Designation Levels
This certification is applicable to practitioners (or advisors thereto) responsible for the establishment, updating, and management oversight of the application of a Domain of AM that is significant to the organisation’s AMF across a significant area of business. Importantly, this framework must inform, and be informed by, the organization’s strategic objectives.
To read the specifications on the CPAM designation, click the button below
Certified Senior Principal in Asset Management (CSAM)
This certification is applicable to practitioners (or expert advisors thereto) responsible for the establishment, updating and management oversight of the application of a holistic and integrated AMF across a significant area of the organisation’s business, informed by the organisation’s strategic objectives.
If you’re credentialed as a CSAM with the AM Council your credential is equivalent to Chartered Asset management with Engineers Australia, subject to meeting the other EA requirements of CPEng (e.g., a member of EA and hold a recognised BEng).
To read the specifications on the CSAM designation, click the button below.
In keeping with its vision of “Globally recognised Asset Management credentials” the World Partners in Asset Management (WPiAM) has developed a framework for alignment of professional credentials in Asset Management to which professional bodies, post-secondary and training institutions around the world can align over time.
The scheme provides a laddered career path in asset management for individuals who are looking to advance their skills and improve their ability to contribute to the success of the organisations they serve. This competency-based scheme will allow organisations to ensure that the individuals they hire anywhere in the world have the knowledge, skills and experience to apply asset management principles in various contexts.
The process for recognising the equivalence of specific credentials will be administered by the WPiAM. The process to recognise individuals’ accreditation to any of the WPiAM’s framework credentials will be administered by the organisation that owns the certification scheme that has been approved. Each credential will require demonstration of education as well as evidence of competence in practical application.
Any questions on how you or your organisation can get involved, please contact our Association Manager at info@wpiam.com
Certifying Organisations
These member organisations have achieved recognition by World Partners in Asset Management as authorised to provide certification that is aligned to the Global Certification Scheme.
- Política de conflito de interesses
- Política de Reclamações WPiAM
- Código de Ética
- Especialista Técnico Certificado em Gestão de Ativos (CTAM)
- Diretor Sénior Certificado em Gestão de Ativos (CSAM)
- Praticante certificado em gestão de ativos (CPAM)
- Especificação do avaliador GCS
- Apresentação do Esquema de Certificação global
- Politique de plaintes WPiAM
- Code éthique
- Spécialiste technique certifié en gestion d’actifs (CTAM)
- Directeur principal certifié en gestion d’actifs (CSAM)
- Praticien agréé en gestion d’actifs (CPAM)
- Spécifications de l’évaluateur GCS
- Politique sur les conflits d’intérêts
- Système mondial de certification (GCS)
- Política de quejas de WPiAM
- Código ético
- Nivel de certificación Especialista Técnico Certificado en Gestión de Activos (CTAM)
- Director senior certificado en gestión de activos (CSAM)
- Practicante Certificado en Gestión de Activos (CPAM)
- Especificación del evaluador de aplicaciones de GCS
- Política de conflicto de intereses
- Presentación del esquema de certificación global