Exam for Organisations

Do you currently deliver training to prepare candidates to undertake the CAMA Exam? Did you know that if your training course is reviewed and approved by WPiAM, you can become a WPiAM-endorsed CAMA Exam Recognised Training Provider? Becoming an RTP has many benefits, including: validation in the marketplace that your training is recognised by WPiAM as suitable to prepare candidates for their CAMA Exam; cross-promotion of your training through our official marketing channels; a discounted rate for the CAMA Exam for your candidates; and listing on our website as an endorsed RTP, so candidates can search for and choose your organisation.

Want to apply? For more information send us an email using the form below, or to apply directly please cliquez ici

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Is your organisation interested in delivering the Global Certification Scheme? Please send an email to info@wpiam.com to discuss this with us further.